Favorites: Books for Self Work

Recommended: A Curated List of Transformative Reads

I grew up in a pretty self-help friendly home environment where books by Ram Dass were as common as Classic literature. I’d spend a lazy Sunday browsing the shelves at the nearest bookstore (or take a trip to Farenheit 451 in Laguna Beach for a treat)! I was born curious and became an avid reader at an early age - Montessori schooling and creative parents pushed me to not only ask questions, but to find my own answers. Recently a friend and I were discussing books that have made an impact on our lives and the more we shared, the more popped up in mind! I decided to draft a quick list - anything that floated immediately to the top, regardless of if it’s considered cool or woo-woo and share the mixed lot!

I’ve made notes on a few below linking to podcasts as I think that’s a fantastic way to learn. Some of these authors I’ve been turned onto via Podcasts or later listened to them speak and found an even deeper appreciation for their work. I typically put a podcast in while painting, driving or running and I like to think of it as elevating my social circle. I surround myself with brilliant minds on every subject and allow their learning to expand my own!

In no particular order here they are! Let me know what you’ve loved and what you would add to this list!

Awareness: Conversations with the Masters by Anthony de Mello check price

  • Anthony de Mello, S.J. (1931–1987) was an Indian Jesuit priest, spiritual teacher, and author, renowned for his work in spiritual guidance and personal development. Born in Bombay, India, de Mello entered the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) at a young age and later became a psychotherapist and spiritual director. He’s been around the block to say the least! Through a series of lectures and reflections, he challenges conventional beliefs, urging readers to become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and attachments.

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks check price

  • Gay Hendricks is a psychologist, author, and expert in personal growth and relationships. He is well-known for his work on the mind-body connection and conscious living. In "The Big Leap," Hendricks introduces the concept of the "Upper Limit Problem," which is the idea that we often sabotage ourselves when we reach a new level of success or happiness because it exceeds our subconscious limits. This concept has been completely life-changing for me.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It by Kamal Ravikant check price

  • I am a huge fan of both Ravikant brothers, but I’m focusing on the wonderful Kamal here! "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It" is a deeply personal account of how Ravikant overcame a period of intense depression and despair. After hitting a low point in his life, both personally and professionally, he made a simple but profound commitment to love himself unconditionally. I love that he frames happiness and self-love as something you can cultivate - not something you are randomly blessed with. I also absolutely love how he makes himself accessible to folks - today on social media he posted he’s in London and to DM him if you want coffee or tea! I’d take that offer up in a heartbeat! Great podcast here!

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther & Jerry Hicks buy now!

  • Bear with me here - this one is woo-woo. Manifesting? Channeling? Yep - the Hicks and the collective consciousness they channel (Abraham) have been a positive thinking powerhouse since the 1980’s. And you know what? I don’t really care what the source is when the material is so good. Ask and It Is Given delves into how our thoughts and emotions have the power to shape our reality. The central message of the book is that by aligning your thoughts with what you desire, you can attract those desires into your life. The book outlines 22 processes and exercises designed to help readers shift their attention to match what they want, thereby allowing their desires to come to fruition. I use these practical tools all of the time - some reduce anxiety, other exercises have quite literally felt like magic. Overall shifting my attitude from worry/fear/anxiety to excitement/wishing/curiosity continues to be a life changing force. I had a hard time picking up this book with it’s cliche cover and all - I was too cool for this cheesy nonsense. You know what? I’m not too cool, and I’m the better for it! Link to one of my favorite audio clips from them.

The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris check it out

  • Love it or hate it - Tim Ferris became wildly successful after the launch of this book and continues to thrive today by picking the smartest brains on the planet for what works and what doesn’t. The Four Hour Workweek was one of the first books I read that started asking different questions to get different results. Want to live a different life? You’re going to need new tools! I also have a deep respect for Tim’s honesty when it comes to sharing his life, his battles with mental health and his willingness to be vulnerable for the sake of the greater good and growth of others. I also recommend his podcast here.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert check price

  • Years ago I was running in El Moro listening to this podcast with Rich Roll and Mike Posner and Mike mentioned a high profile rapper and friend recommending this book by Elizabeth Gilbert to him and what a profound impact it had. I laughed while running and thought, “Wait like the, Eat, Pray, Love author? Whaaat?” Turns out, yes! That’s what! In the book, Gilbert explores the nature of inspiration, the challenges of creativity, and how to overcome the fears that hold us back from pursuing our passions. She encourages readers to embrace their creative potential with courage and joy, rather than being paralyzed by the fear of failure or judgment.

The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna West check price

  • I found this book during a special time in my life. I was coming out of a massive life change (divorce, career changes, moving states, etc…) and had dedicated some time and money to regular deeply therapeutic massages at the lovely House Nine Wellness in Portland, OR (shout out to Dodie!). They sell books, plants and tea and a lovely assortment of things and the cover caught my eye. The book focuses on identifying and overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. I love when things are my responsibility because that means I can change them - Brianna’s book discusses how we self-sabotage and how we can take accountability for conquering our internal mountain.

Untamed by Glennon Doyle check price

  • Glennon Doyle began her writing career in a somewhat unconventional way - a blog called "Momastery" back in 2009 as a way to share her experiences with motherhood, addiction recovery and more. She shared things that were raw, honest and taboo, often writing from her closet as it was the one place she had a quiet sanctuary. "Untamed" is a powerful memoir that chronicles Glennon Doyle's journey toward self-discovery and empowerment. I think it’s a resonating and moving read for women in particular. The cheetah story alone in this book is so moving - read it for that alone! Great podcast with her and Liz Gilbert!


As I write this list, I can see the recurring theme here is accountability and action. I love being able to relate and then discover actual tools I can use and implement in my daily life. Reading, understanding, ruminating - that only gets you so far. Applying that knowledge to situations and real-life wishes or issues - that’s where the growth happens. I’d love to hear if you’ve read any of these and if you pick them up, let me know what you think!

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